School Nurse

Coronavirus Update (COVID-19)

Brantley County High School 
Nurse:  June Miles
Office:  (912) 462-5121
School Fax:  (912) 462-5123

Please contact your school nurse with any questions, concerns, or changes regarding your child's medical care or medicine.  Thank you.

REMINDER:  Students are not allowed to have any kind of over-the-counter or prescribed medicine with them at school.  Please make sure all medicine is delivered to the nurse in its proper/original container.

School Physical Forms

Your child will need a current physical every year in order to participate in most extracurriculur activities.  Please click on the appropriate physical history form in addition to the Insurance Verification and Concussion  forms below; then print and fill out your child's information for their physical evaluation.  The school system holds an annual free physical event each year in the spring.   You will submit these forms to your school prior to the day of physcials.

2020 GHSA Physical  History and Eval Form

Formulario de Historia Física y Evaluación 2019-2020 (Español)

2019 GHSA Physical History and Eval Form  (Disabilities)

2019 Sports Physical Insurance Verification

GHSA Concussion Awareness Form

Immunization Awareness Forms

Please be aware that Georgia law requires current Immunication Certificates be filed with your child's school.  Please see forms below.

2019 Immunization Requirements for Parents

2019 Choose Not to Vaccinate Parent Letter

Form 2208 Affidavit of Religious Objection to Immunization

New Student and Beginning of Year Nurse Registration Forms

Welcome (Back) to Brantley County Schools!

We are excited to have you with us.  Our mission is to keep our students healthy and present daily in the learning environment.  We strive to work with our parents and students in meeting this goal through immunization reminders, on-site dental and sports physical resources, and general safety and first aid care within our offices.   


In order to best serve your child and keep him/her healthy, we ask that you share any medical information regarding students with our school nurse on the attached forms.  You may print, fill out, and return these forms to your child's school when completed.
School Nurse Forms for Parents
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