School Physical Forms
Your child will need a current physical every year in order to participate in most extracurriculur activities. Please click on the appropriate physical history form in addition to the Insurance Verification and Concussion forms below; then print and fill out your child's information for their physical evaluation. The school system holds an annual free physical event each year in the spring. You will submit these forms to your school prior to the day of physcials.
2020 GHSA Physical History and Eval Form
Formulario de Historia Física y Evaluación 2019-2020 (Español)
2019 GHSA Physical History and Eval Form (Disabilities)
2019 Sports Physical Insurance Verification
Immunization Awareness Forms
Please be aware that Georgia law requires current Immunication Certificates be filed with your child's school. Please see forms below.
2019 Immunization Requirements for Parents
2019 Choose Not to Vaccinate Parent Letter
Form 2208 Affidavit of Religious Objection to Immunization